Hi! We are the Cyrs.
A PNW family inspired to live life with creativity, intentionality, and naturally.
My Story
I remember back in high school and college I thought I had “normal” hair and skin. This meant I washed it using harsh shampoos and conditioners every single day. Sometimes, by the end of the day I already felt my hair getting oily. My hair was stringy, lifeless, and ultimately incredibly undernourished and hydrated. I used the “oil absorbing pads” on my face multiple times a day because my skin was producing way too much oil. I had tons of surface acne and also deeper occasional hormonal acne. Honestly, I didn’t really think too much of this because it seemed to be what everyone else was doing, too!
Fast forward to 10 years later!
I’m a wife to my wonderful husband, I have two daughters, and just welcomed our first son into our family! We live in the PNW and our family loves to spend time outside together in any way we can.
Even with 3 pregnancies and postpartum curve balls to navigate my skin and hair are the healthiest they have ever been.
I’ve figured out how to balance my skin and hair’s own oil production by using products that support my skin’s own ability to heal and nourish itself. Instead of chemicals that break the metabolic chain.
I’ve learned how to restore my natural blonde and highlights without chemicals and hair color
I better understand my hormones, metabolism, immune system, and health markers and how my skin and hair help give me information and tell me a story as to what is going on inside my body.
I’ve also completed the ADAPT Functional Medicine health coaching certificate which has grown my knowledge and understanding of wellness from the inside out and how IMPORTANT that is for skin and hair care.
You see, I find myself in this odd middle ground. I believe in using herbs and animal fats to nourish our skin. We know this was common ancestral practice and skincare from the earth stands the test of time.
But I also believe in well-researched products that bear the burden of proof.
Many “naturalists” don’t use any man-made products that are not from Earth. On the flip side, often the cosmetic industry that uses one man-made product then accepts them all. Which allows for toxic ingredients.
I merge very specific orthomolecular ingredients with ancestral wisdom.
The story of RCA Skincare
After years and years of working to formulate my own products, one day, I announced to my email subscribers that I’d make a small batch of my Vitamin C Nourishing and Protective cream if anyone was interested.
I had about 20 people respond saying they wanted one! This then turned into RCA Skincare which I found growing rapidly!
Today, I sell 100s of products every month to customers all over the nation, Canada, and even in the UK.
Small batch integrity + house-made
I truly believe this is the future of skincare.
Unfortunately, even many natural and organic companies have flaws in their manufacturing process.
The use of plastic in combination with hot butters and liquid to fill jars. Heating product quickly and too fast which loses the nutritional properties. And more.
I make my product not to adhere to FDA regulations. But with the same trust and faith of communal living.
My calling is to nourish, to give life, to nurture, and to be a peacemaker. I see my skincare and hair care as little jars of nourishment from my workshop to your home.
And with this vision, from start to finish there is nothing used in the infusion, creating, or distributing that could potentially compromise your endocrine system.

A quick note on Vitamin C, ascorbic acid:
There are many who contest that Vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid should not be consumed or used topically.
I side in the footsteps and research of orthomolecular doctors. Dr. Klenner, Dr. Andrews, Dr. Humpries, and Dr. Catchcart to name a few.
But I also recognize that in today’s day and age you can find “research” to support almost everything.
Clinical experience is equally important. I have distributed my products for over a year and to this day have not received one poor review on the affects of using Vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid. I am not surprised, as I experimented on myself and my family for 8 years.
The only time AA should not be used topically is in large doses (above 5-10%) or on an open wound.
Benefits of Vitamin C in the form of Ascorbic Acid
With over 600 studies and a time span of 80 years of research... we know the following benefits occur when using Vitamin C on the skin.
Neutralizes free radical damage by donating an electron
Minimizes sun damage
Encourages collagen production
Brightens skin
Tightens skin
Animal Fats as Skincare
At first the idea of using animal fats as hydration for the skin, and even hair, may seems foreign and perhaps strange.
However, this is what our ancestors used for generations!
And today we have the science to understand why.
Animal fats provide a perfect match to match for our cell lipids. Meaning, when you nourish your skin with animal fats the hydration penetrates to the cellular level.
Animal fats also contain a variety of nutrients and vitamins essential for healthy skin.
But I cannot stress the importance of sourcing animal fats appropriately. When animals are treated with antibiotics, hormones, or poor feed it is the fats of the animal the suffers the largest as it stores these harmful and toxic products.
I source my animal fats from one of the few Orthomolecular Farms in the United States.
Meaning, when an animal on this farm is sick the farmers use orthomolecular treatments, including high dose Vitamin C, to treat their animal.
The liver of the hog is so clean you can eat it.
These practices are unheard of in today’s age.
I am convinced there is no better animal fat in the United States.
And when it comes to skincare, this is of utmost importance.
What customers are saying
Glowing Skin Reviews
"I recently started using the face cream, and since then I have gotten compliments about my skin! This has NEVER happened before!"
"Your cleanser is SO GOOD!"
"I am totally won over to the healing of tallow and vitamin C and each of the carefully handpicked herbs and ols. We are so thankful for your business and the time and thought you put into making your products."
"The face cleanser - pure magic - i'm so in love with it! My skin is seriously glowing and I have always had such acne prone skin."
"I am over the moon with how amazing Cleanse is!"
"I have tried other tallow moisturizers. It was gritty and never would absorb. When I got your Vitamin C + Tallow face cream I was shocked. No oiliness at all when I wake, jut moisturized."
"My skin has never been this healthy/hydrated/smooth/clear... all the things! Just love the results!"
"My 57 year old skin feeling absolutely fantastic after using the Cleanse and Vitamin C + Tallow face cream."
Troubled Skin Reviews (scars, eczema, psoriasis)
"Sent my Dad your eczema cream and it is the only thing that has brought him some relief! My parents have tried 3 or 4 of your products since then and apparently they need more already."
"The anti-inflammatory cream has helped my mother with her painful wrist, and the Nourishing and Protective cream has helped her scars. I'm so glad to see her happy! So so grateful."
"I've had psoriasis all my life, only a steroid would completely heal my flare ups. I am 9 months postpartum and am so thankful to have found your tallow! I've tried every cream and lotion out there. Your cream has been such a blessing for my skin & am so glad to have found a clean solution!" (this gal als included some amazing before and after pictures you can check out on my IG testimonials highlight!
"My 4 year old daughter got a burn on her face and this cream helped heal it with no scarring! I was amazed! SO thankful for you and this product."
Nourished Hair Reviews
"Your hair oil has done wonders for my hair! My scalp was previously crazy itchy and i was getting horrible dandruff... your oil has definitely eased that and my tips feel better too."
"I love the hair oil in my hair! And a little goes a long way!"
"That hair oil makes my hair soooo soft!"
"I love the hair oil - already my hair is less dry."